July 2024 | Birthdays and Anniversaries

Jul 01, 2024

Celebrate with these Farmers Cooperative employees who have birthdays and anniversaries in July.


Andrew Adam Jordan Gates James Parrick
Kyle Ashburner Caleb Gerleve Terrill Pierce
William Baker Tucker Goldsberry Reid Pretzer
Leslie Blythe Randy Hasenohr Eric Real
Douglas Brandt John Hinners Brenda Shedron
Norman Bristol Treyton Hinton Eugene Shores
Jacob Broxterman Brenda Hippen Lee Skalla
Ben Buchanan Dakota Holmes Lyle Slama
Johnathan Burgett Derek Jagels Dale Svarc
Amy Chapman Angie Kaderabek Mark Thieszen
Larry Chapman Kevin Kowalski Nicholas Thieszen
Brent Colgrove Jason Lambert Jami Thody
Levon Colvin Gary Lefferdink Hendrik Vermeulen
Jonathan Cox Adam Lovgren Tyler Walford
Greg Delabar James McPherson James Williamsen
Shaena Eggerling Cassidy Meinke Thomas Worster
Joseph Elekes Johannes Nel Robin Wright
Gabriel Evans Tony Nolte Brian Zastrow
Jordan Ficke Randy Norris  
Randy Fochtman Dain Parish  


Brian Zastrow 45 Taylor Collins 8 Scott Hughes 2
Ernest Hroch 42 Roger Zerr 7 James McKeighan 1
Brent Colgrove 31 David Nicholson 6 Tony Eledge 1
Amy Ruyle 25 Paden Pralle 6 Mathew Gerdes 1
Tim Keller 21 Brett Boyce 5 Allissa Troyer 1
Ricky Clanton 20 Garette Long 4 Darin Burress 1
Nicholas Schultz 11 Michael Mann 3 Wyatt Giger 1
Roger Miller 10 Egypt Colvin 3 Ciara Ripa 1
John Bruha 9 Brent Hatfield 3 Esther Cowart 1
Jared Deke 9 Neil Chapman 3    

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