People and products for profits
At Farmers Cooperative agronomy, we look at each day as a new opportunity to help our growers succeed. We invest in people, equipment and technology to give us the best opportunity to remove yield-limiting factors and make each new year more successful than the last.
We understand that our partnership with your operation relies on our ability to get on the farm and deliver a return on investment. That's why we work so hard to make sure we have a broad mix of agronomic solutions and technology to match your needs.
Give your local agronomist a call today to discuss the newest products, agronomic strategies and services to help you be more profitable.
Click on the videos below to learn more about our agronomy services.

In season decisions can be stressful. Give yourself options with Secure Grower Financing.
With all the short-notice-decisions a season can bring, why not set up the extra credit access now to capitalize on opportunities you can't plan for. Land opportunities that are going to require more inputs, weather, or market conditions; you never know what the season holds, but you can be ready by setting up your SECURE™ Grower Financing today.
Meet Our Agronomy Team
Click photos for more info

Part of removing limits is providing options. That's why we carry a wide portfolio of seed brands and offer unbiased, knowledgeable recommendations. Our only goal is to make sure you get the right products and traits for each acre.
Our experience on local soils is backed by research-plot data to help you understand what package of seed and traits will best benefit your bottom line.
| Bulk Seed Locations Milford, Plymouth, Fairbury, Odell, Princeton, Milligan, Exeter, Filley, Geneva, Frankfort (KS), and Raymond |

The nutrients your crops demand
When it comes to crop nutrients, we are committed to delivering on the 4Rs of nutrient management - right product, right time, right rate, right place.
We carry a full line of fertilizer products, and we've invested in the infrastructure necessary to keep up with the demands of today's increasingly complex farming operations.
We have the people, equipment and storage facilities to get the job done, even when time windows are compressed.
Look to Farmers Cooperative for operational excellence and a service-first attitude when you need fertilizer.
Dry Fertilizer Facilities located throughout the trade territory to serve your local needs
ProFarm for profitability
ProFarm precision ag services help you boost crop input efficiency and yields. Trust our expertise and technology to take your fields to the next level.

Sky Tech aerial application and seeding
When necessary, an in-season application of crop protection products can make the difference between a profitable crop and a loss. In addition, the benefits of cover crops are well-documented. Look to Sky Tech from Farmers Cooperative to get the job done when traditional methods aren't feasible.
Scott DeLong (Pilot - Fairmont) | Randy Prellwitz (Pilot - Fairbury) |
sdelong@farmersco-operative.com | rprellwitz@farmersco-operative.com |
402-268-6481 or 888-230-9122 | 402-729-2330 or 800-950-3378 |

Protecting crops from weeds, insects and disease
Crop protection is critical for farming, success, but it's also an increasingly complicated part of the equation. New product categories, weed resistance, regulatory requirements and other issues can be overwhelming. The team at Farmers Cooperative is here to help simplify and manage crop protection decisions.
We work with you to assess each field's needs. Whether it's herbicides, fungicides, insecticides or some other product, we focus on providing a management program that delivers season-long control.