Employee Clothing Reminder
Aug 15, 2024

As a reminder, August 31st is the last day of the fiscal year so please remember to order your clothes for this year before then. Your clothing balance (if qualified) will restart on September 1st. Any money that is not used by then will not roll over.
Part-time employees that work over 500 hours in the last fiscal year will earn $100 towards their clothing balance and part-time employees that work over 1000 hours will earn $150.
To order clothes, please go to https://farmerscooperative.mybrightsites.com/ and sign in to order. When checking out, please make sure you click the box "Use My Account Balance". If you have any issues on the website, please contact our clothing rep Amanda at amanda@abantemarketing.com or at 402-817-0167.
The clothing website will be closed the first couple of days in September so we can update the website and balances. Once that information is updated, you will be able to order clothes for the new fiscal year.
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Part-time employees that work over 500 hours in the last fiscal year will earn $100 towards their clothing balance and part-time employees that work over 1000 hours will earn $150.
To order clothes, please go to https://farmerscooperative.mybrightsites.com/ and sign in to order. When checking out, please make sure you click the box "Use My Account Balance". If you have any issues on the website, please contact our clothing rep Amanda at amanda@abantemarketing.com or at 402-817-0167.
The clothing website will be closed the first couple of days in September so we can update the website and balances. Once that information is updated, you will be able to order clothes for the new fiscal year.
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